Tuesday, August 27, 2013

12 days post-revision and feeling Good!

I started working with my new students full time this week. I was a little worried about my incision not being healed well enough for this week, however it is healed, scabs gone, bruising gone. I am however seriously lacking the energy I normally have. *yawn*.

I feel more restriction than I have since December of 2012. I only have 6  cc's in my band. I was up to 8 cc's October 2012. I was suppose to be at 7.95 cc's at my last fill in March. However, I don't think I truly was, I still think I was lied to by the NP. I back down to 1200 cals a day and happy that way.

I also have a work out group at work. It is a group that dances for their workouts. So...100 days of dance here I start (as soon as my after school meetings go away.)


Angela Grossman

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I did not edit this tonight. I am to tired, but felt like I needed to post something.
