Thursday, February 28, 2013

the long winter

In previous posts I had mentioned being sick and feeling like garbage since November when I had the flu. I found out from my gyn that I most likely had H1N1 and some E virus. I couldn't remember what the "E" Virus was to look it up when I got home. To make a long story short I was searching Mono for a student today. While reading about it I found its medical name. You may already know it, but yes it is the mystery "E" Virus that my GYN said was acting up on me again. Okay, so I get it now. The swine flu causes lung and tummy problems, cold chills and fevers that last for weeks. The mono reactivated itself and caused even more fatigue and muscle weakness. My iron was never anemically low. I was just down from the Mono. If you have ever had mono you know there is no way for your body to be able to burn fat and now way to survive on just a few hundred calories a day when you are that sick. My cravings were truly from the food being needed to heal my body.

I posted on face book and twitter a couple of weeks that I felt like I could run five miles. That was the first time I felt normally since Thanksgiving.

Now for the hard part, I am better now, but I am still hungry and looking for food. I have never went over 1500 cals in one day. I have however had candy bars and additional caffeine products. Those are not good when you are trying to burn fat.

 I go back to my LB dr. in two weeks. We will see what they have to say. But, it makes since to that the H1N1 and the Mono (enlarged spleen) was causing my food to get stuck in my band, not just the 8.25 cc's that was in my 14cc band. I am so ready to get back on this now that I feel better. Wish me luck! I was able to eat an entire cheeseburger before feeling full the other day. I really don't want to eat like that.

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