Thursday, February 21, 2013


PCOS patients have a hard time ever having children. I am so blessed to have overcome mine and had my children while I was young enough that my PCOS didn't stop my first two pregnancies at all. It did slow down my third child and cause two miscarriages. I read more and more women with PCOS have not been able to have children. I however have been blessed with three babies.

So how could I have them? For one, it was God's will. The other I never used any type of birth control. I knew since I was 16 that something was wrong. By the time I was 19 I knew if I had kids I had to have them soon. When you figure that from 1998 to 2007 I never used birth control of any kind and only had three birth during those years.

 The last pregnancy was a 10% chance of survival of rate. The dr. put me on Metformin for the insulin resistance and did some test to see if my tubes were open or collapsed. In order to do this inject die into the ovaries and blow air through them. If they are collapsed then this will open them. It also clears the cysts out of the tubes. I lost 60 pounds in three months on the Metformin and got pregnant with twins. (I also started using an ovulation spit tester.)  I lost the twins at 9 weeks. Then three months later I became pregnant again.  After having two miscarriages I did everything wrong in the first trimester. It was God's will for her to com into our world.

Friends, don't give up. pray and keep trying.

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