Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hit my two month goal!

Last week was my first full week of work. Thankfully my last fill has done the trick and seems to be almost that sweet spot. I no longer fill hungry other than twice a day. I still want food, this is where the challenge comes to play. I am eating about 3/4c of food when I eat. The problem is I am eating food that I shouldn't be eating. I must stop eating McDees chicken nuggets. Yesterday was my sons 18th birthday. That meant ice cream and cake. Today was the church picnic. I ate one hot dog, 1/8th c. of beans and potato salad, handful of chips, small slice of cake and two bites of a brownie and a half chocolate chip cookie. This is all I have ate today. In the past I would have ate two huge platefuls of food that would equal to about 8 meals. So, this is still an improvement. I also know I must workout tonight.

On Thursday of this week marked two months post surgery. I did make my 60 day weight goal and have lost a pound since then. I still need to loose another five pounds to hit the fifty pound weight loss mark. I think if I am more careful and workout this week (which I have not done in two weeks)  than I should lose that other five pounds.

It is all good that this fill seems to helping. The last fill left a severe bruise and I know it has to heal before they cant stick me again. It appears to be another three weeks for the bruise to heal. 

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