Friday, July 13, 2012

I work out, I am ...

I have worked out one to two hours a day everyday this past week. My knees are in extreme pain! I can't believe how bad they hurt, oh wait they have been this way for twenty years. I should be use to it right? WRONG! It freakin hurts! I was told when I was in high school that I didn't have enough cartlidge in my eyes. Your body does not regrow cartlidge on its own. However I know some of the new stuff for joints does seem to help the pain control. Nothing stops the swelling. My crosstrainer and eliptical are all suppose to be easy on my knees, but they don't seem to be. I am very proud that I can complete 30 minutes on my crosstrainer on the higher levels. At one point this week I did 6.5 miles in that 30 minutes.

Measured this week. I have lost 4 inches off my stomach and nothing off my scale. I know that I have built a ton of muscle in my legs this week, so I am not so worried about the scale the reading!

Tomorrow and for the next three days I am going camping with my kids and mom. I plan on doing some serious hiking these days and go on scavenger hunts with my kids. We will be close to the gold mine area's so who knows what all we will find! I want to go swimming, but my inscision still has a small whole. I won't be able to this summer at all. I HATE that! I do have some water proof bandaids and neosporin that I will be using in case I have to pull my kids out of the river. I will have pictures to add when I return.

On Wednesday I go for anothe fill in my lapband and nutrition training. I think I am all good that one.

My husband won't get to come with us, that makes me sad. But, work comes first in this economy! you honey, see on Tuesday!


  1. Enjoy your camping trip. Progress comes slowly, but each little bit helps. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Make sure they get a few of you.

    Have a good week.

  2. It was a crazy two days camping! I had no time to take pictures! I will take the family there for swimming with Jon, then we can get some pics!
