WOW! I am amazed that all of your are reading my blogs. Thank you!
Two more days until surgery. This will be my last post until surgery. The next two days will be spent celebrating my sons high school graduation.
Today has been filled with excitement. I am trying to make sure we wont need to go to the grocery store next week. Trying to get the house as clean as possible. Make sure ALL laundry is done.I have lost 10 pounds on the three week pre-op diet. Hopefully it is enough that they can preform the surgery laparscopically. I REALLY do not need another scar 6 inch scar on my tummy..they just won't help that bikini in a few years. LOL
I told my husband that I can't wait to be 135 again. He told me that I can't weigh that little, he may break me in two. That sounds like a great problem to have! It will take three years to reach that weight, if I ever do. They want me to spend 18 months loosing half the extra body fat. On the other hand by our 15th anniversary I will be able to wear my wedding dress again.
I looked at myself today with utter joy knowing that this time when I loose the weight and it starts coming back (as it will) that I can go and the band filled so I don't gain all of it back.
I found out from the pharmacist today that one of my scripts my insurance may not pay. He is going to try to work with them, I will no more tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the fact that my scripts are all suppository's. Any one want to help with them?
I have stayed pretty close to the diet. I can count on one hand the number Reeces I have ate this last month. I sooo miss peanut butter. I love my peanut butter and chocolate. Two weeks ago my mom almost or did have a heart attack, that is the only Mcdees hamburger and fries I have had in the past month. And it was a small hamburger the yummy double quarter-pounder I normally enjoy eating in under three minutes. I better stop here...starting to get hungry and need to get my mind off of food.
My procedure is 5:30am in Pheonix AZ area on Friday morning. Wish me luck and thanks for reading!
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